AIMExpo News

MIC Guide to COVID-19 Resources for Small Businesses


MIC Guide to COVID-19 Resources for Small Businesses The Senate passed the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to provide relief to Americans and businesses during the COVID-19 crisis. The House of Representatives is expected to pass the legislation today, then the president must sign it into law. What's available under the [...]

MIC Guide to COVID-19 Resources for Small Businesses2020-03-27T06:01:05-07:00

We Need Everyone to Speak Up


We Need Everyone to Speak Up In times like these, the need to band together is more important than ever. Our collective voice will be louder and ensure that we are heard by the people making decisions that affect our community. As governors are declaring states of emergency that limit commerce, the MIC has been asking [...]

We Need Everyone to Speak Up2020-03-26T06:37:50-07:00

Stay in Touch, While Staying Away


Stay in Touch, While Staying Away More than ever, it’s important that we communicate, stay in contact, and share information as we practice physical distancing. The MIC COVID-19 Industry Updates & Resources page is a great place to start, to learn what businesses can and can’t do right now, and what help is available. The MIC Government Relations [...]

Stay in Touch, While Staying Away2020-03-25T10:48:05-07:00
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