New Product Presentation Stage

Applications now being accepted – Apply now



With nearly 200 members of the media and influencers at the show, and more than 2,500 dealers and industry peers, AIMExpo is your best bet when launching new products and services for the upcoming year.

We are looking for companies with products that are newsworthy, unique, high-tech, and of interest to the media and ideally, also being seen at AIMExpo for the first time.

With a new look and expanded layout in the AIMExpo Starting Line – a new feature area at the front of the show – participation on stage is free to AIMExpo exhibitors.

We invite you to submit your new products for consideration by completing the application below. The New Product Presentation Stage is a great way to amplify your reach and get in front of the people that matter.


Please submit one form per product and indicate the attributes you think are most important in the description section.

Deadline for submissions is December 1, 2024. We will notify successful applicants by January 8, 2025 and will request your presentations, videos, and other supporting media before the show in order to create a seamless audio/visual experience for attending dealers and media. Submitting an application does not guarantee a scheduled time on the New Product Presentation stage.

If you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager:
Account Manager #’s, A-L:
Ivan Carranza
(949) 517 7508

Account Manager M-Z:
Adam Schelor
(949) 517 7518

Thank you for making AIMExpo your show; we’ll see you in Las Vegas!